Gauntlet Boosts cbBTC/wBTC Pool Rewards

Gauntlet, a leading economic modeling and DeFi risk management firm trusted by major protocols such as Compound, Morpho, NEAR, and Uniswap, has initiated a significant liquidity campaign for the cbBTC/wBTC pool on Curve. The initiative has already shown significant impact with substantial rewards flowing to liquidity providers (LPs), and a 5x in pool liquidity.
About Gauntlet
Gauntlet manages risk for over $35 billion in DeFi assets through economic models and market simulations. Their expertise has made them a key partner for both DeFi protocols and major centralized institutions seeking to optimize their DeFi market presence.
cbBTC/wBTC Liquidity Campaign
Gauntlet is leveraging Curve's democratic gauge weight system through StakeDAO's Vote Market, a trusted platform where veCRV holders can be compensated for directing their voting power toward specific markets.
Votemarket's effectiveness is clear: depositors like Gauntlet have received an average of $1.65 worth of CRV for every $1.00 deposited over the last three months. With the Price Cap mechanism, depositors are guaranteed to receive CRV rewards valued at or above their USDC deposits. This efficiency demonstrates why sophisticated DeFi participants increasingly rely on Curve's gauge system to optimize their market presence.
After announcing their voting incentives 3 weeks ago, Gauntlet has spent approx. $51,000 on incentives, and approx. $67,000 CRV has flowed to the cbBTC/wBTC pool in return. This is an average $1.31 return per $1 spent on incentives. So it's no wonder they've committed to continuing incentives for at least 2 more weeks.
The results speak for themselves: since the rewards began 3 weeks ago, pool liquidity has grown by over 5x, now sitting at over $10M.
Liquidity Provider Opportunity
The campaign has shown incredible impact for LPs in the past 3 weeks:
- Approx. 80,000 CRV will flow to cbBTC/wBTC LPs this week.
- Combined yields are currently reaching up to 23% APR (22.8% max boosted CRV rewards + 0.3% trading fees)
- Combined max boosted yields have averaged over 20% APR since the campaign began, and unboosted yields have averaged around 10%.
These yields, combined with the pool's institutional backing and strategic importance, make this an attractive opportunity for sophisticated LPs seeking sustainable returns on BTC stable-assets.
veCRV Benefits
Voting incentives are creating substantial returns for veCRV holders:
- Current voting incentives frequently yield more than 15% APR.
- An additional 10% crvUSD yield from DAO fees.
These attractive yields demonstrate how Curve's governance system rewards active participation while enabling efficient market development.
Curve's Role in DeFi
This initiative highlights Curve's position as critical DeFi infrastructure. As institutional capital enters DeFi, Curve's battle-tested smart contracts and gauge system have become essential tools for major players optimizing their digital asset strategies. The Curve platform continues to demonstrate its value as a leading DeFi venue for institutional-grade liquidity.