Ahead of the Curve#003

In governance...
The biggest event of the week was no doubt the launch of fee claiming. There has been over 700 claims in the past few days and there are still over $1m in unclaimed fees. Anyone who has locked veCRV may claim their fees by clicking the claim button from our homepage. There is also some help and a look at the distribution process in the resources for anyone who may need it!
oBTC and UST have just passed their signal and those two pools will soon join the Curve line-up. Two new Bitcoin Metapools (BBTC and pBTC) are also expected to have a gauge vote on Wednesday.
We've also announced our first round of community grants after awarding our first two ecosystem grants. The community grants can be found by clicking here and there is some info about our two first ecosystem grants on this link.
Finally, we have a new addition to the Curve team in Sam Werner who will be joining the Curve dev team. Sam is current completing a PhD in Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering at Imperial College in London.
In the ecosystem...
Pavel Horbonos created a technical how-to on integrating Curve
Gerrit from curvemarketcap.com is also doing a newsletter and fantastic daily video recaps of all the Curve action.
QDefi did an intro on getting started with $5,000 on Curve.
In the news
BeingCrypto has a nice write-up about the initial fee distribution.

The Serenity fund discussed CRV value proposition:
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