Ahead of the Curve#001

In governance...
A proposal to add a tokenized ZEC (wZEC and renZEC) pool has passed a successful signal along with a metapool to add another tokenized Bitcoin flavour called pBTC from the pTokens team: https://ptokens.io/
sCIP#17 is also proposing to utilise the community fund to stake CRV on Bancor newly launched liquidity mining program: https://gov.curve.fi/t/scip-17-utilize-crv-from-the-community-fund-to-stake-in-bancor-v2-1/1144/3
The vote to start distributing admin fees (fast approaching $3M) reached quorum in just four hours meaning the fees will start to be distributed as 3CRV (the LP token for the TriPool) after the vote has passed.
We have received our first of two audits for our ETH/sETH pool which means its launch is now closer than ever. The Curve team is also looking at staked tokenised ETH solutions for a subsequent metapool that will help Eth2.0 stakers exit their positions and help others transfer their Ethereum into staked yield-bearing Ethereum.
The Curve team also introduced new security grants which come on top of existing ecosystem and community grants that you can read and apply for grants by clicking here.
Curve TVL is trending up and slowly approaching a new all time high currently at $1.362B.
In the ecosystem...
We have a few new very useful tools to help you with Curve, the first one is CurveMarketCap which helps you track historical APY of all our pools easily:

The second one is UniswapROI which can help you figure out how to best allocate your liquidity based on how many veCRV you have.

Finally, you can now buy Curve insurance on the Cover protocol at this address: https://www.coverprotocol.com/

In the news...
The Curve team gave an interview to CryptoRand

BitcoinMarketJournal also had a feature on Curve

Synthetix blog posted an interesting article possibly hinting at things to come for Curve

Useful links
Curve: http://curve.fi/
Governance forum: https://gov.curve.fi/
Guides: https://guides.curve.fi/
Telegram: https://t.me/curvefi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curvefinance
Discord: https://discord.gg/rgrfS7W
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/CurveFinance
Technical Docs: https://curve.readthedocs.io/en/latest/